What is cold-pressed oil ?

Cold-pressed oil, often termed virgin oil is obtained by crushing the oilseeds such that the temperature does not rise beyond a point, without any involvement of heat or chemicals which makes for a variant of oil that caters the best to a health-conscious individual.


Why not refined oil ?

Refined oil is obtained after heating it to a very high temperature which causes the healthy fat in the oil to break down into trans-fat and is later chemically processed to neutralize the odor and taste of the oil. Our brand provides the customer with an oil that isn’t chemically manipulated, unlike companies profiting off of refined oil.


What is wood-pressed oil ?

Wood pressed oils are extracted in a wooden kolhu that absorbs all the heat alongside which no excess heat or chemicals are added in production. This technique helps in retaining the nutritional value of the oil as well as its taste and odor. 


Why is cold-pressed better than hot-pressed ?

Cold-pressed oil, unlike hot pressed oil, is not scientifically intervened with to obtain. Hot pressed oil is produced with the help of exposure to high temperatures which results in loss of nutritional value at every stage of production, the value that cold-pressed oil very efficiently retains.


Why is cold-pressed oil more expensive than hot pressed ?

Hot pressed oil, due to exposure to a higher temperature enables the production of a larger quantity of oil, while on the other hand, cold-pressed oil, because obtained naturally, provides for a product in smaller quantity with a higher quality.


How is our plant environmentally friendly ?

Our brand believes in the policy of minimum to no waste. Even the residue leftover from the oilseeds at the end stage of production is handed over as pasture for farm animals. Our packaging is completely virgin and recyclable as we have kept in mind our responsibility to the community. 


How are we different from other manufacturers in the field ?

  • Maintaining a high level of hygiene and contamination free production area should carry utmost importance. And even when it does, brands fail to provide their consumers with a premium quality product due to the higher concentration of work being done by workers who are bound to make mistakes. Our plant leaves no room for human error. We have designed the extraction process such that it requires minimal human intervention. The entire process - Extraction to Packaging, is done via best automated machines to deliver to your doorstep, the product that you and your family deserve.
  • One more level of hygiene has also been added – the seeds are thoroughly cleansed of all dirt, foreign particles, unwanted seeds/flowers that might have crept in etc.


How did your previous work help you in this industry ?

Our owner holds a B. Tech degree with a prolonged experience in manufacturing precision components for OEM. Our very core, from the very beginning, has been dedicated quality consciousness and we have a team of highly skilled engineers who have the caliber to deliver to you a product that is, by all means, a much healthier alternative. 


What drew you to this line of work ?

The large-scale unawareness and ignorance towards consumption of adulterated refined oils and the harm that it causes to the human body drew us to this industry. We can scientifically prove that we have created a product that stands superior to anything else you might find in the market by a milestone because it is time, we outgrew the bliss that comes with ignorance and starts thinking about all the ways this industry is endangering our lives.

Contact Us

Ashutosh Agro Industries

D-22 B, Industrial Area, Site-1, Panki, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh - 208022, India

Mobile : +91-9935530425

Call Us : 08069247152 Ext : 083

E-mail : info@kanhapur.com

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